Selected Publications
Journal Articles(Peer Reviewed)
Dawson H. and Allison M. (2021) Requirements for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for scientific data collection in the Laurentian Great Lakes: a questionnaire survey Elsevier Journal of Great Lakes Research.
Morris, K., Allison, M., Wei, J., Costa, F., Clarke, P. (2015) An Adaptive Middleware Design to Support the Dynamic Interpretation of Domain-Specific Models The Journal of Information and Software Technology – Elsevier. Impact Factor: 1.522*
Allison, M. and Kendrick, L. (2015) Towards Education 3.0: Pedagogical Affordances and Implications of Social Software and the Semantic Web Journal: New Directions for Teaching and Learning – Wiley*
Allison, M., Morris, K., Costa, F., and Clarke, P. (2014) Synthesizing Interpreted Domain-Specific Models to Manage Smart Microgrids The Journal of Systems and Software – Elsevier. Impact Factor: 1.135*
Book Chapters
Clarke, P., Wu, Y., Allen, A., Hernandez, F., and Allison, M. (2012) Book Chapter. Towards Dynamic Semantics for Synthesizing Interpreted DSMLs. Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain Specific Languages: Recent Developments, IGI-Global Publisher
Conference Articles (Peer Reviewed)
Allison, M., Jefferson, F., and Parker, L. (2025) Debiasing and Preserving Privacy in Sleep Datasets Using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks. IEEE 15th Annual Computing and Communications Workshop and Conference (CCWC 2025) University of Nevada – Las Vegas
Allison, M. (2024) A Computational Model for Learning Affective Empathy Responses in Robotic Systems 43rd IEEE -- International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC 24) Orlando FL
Parks, M and Allison, M.(2024) Toward an Ethical Framework for the Remote Detection of Emotional States Using AI International Association of Computing and Philosophy (IACAP 2024), University of Oregon.
Allison, M., Farmer, M., and Song, Z. (2024) Towards Distributed Learning to Support Situational Awareness for Robotic Team Augmented Humanitarian Disaster Response. IEEE CCWC 2024. The University of Nevada – Las Vegas. Awarded a Best Paper in Conference!
Parks, M (student) and Allison, M (2023) Poster: Autonomy and Fatigue in Human- Robot Teams. The 42nd IEEE -International Performance Computing and Communications Conference. (IPCCC) Anaheim, CA
Allison, M, Jefferson, F, and Allison, D Beyond Intelligence: A Survey of Grit and Fearof Failure as Interrelated Non-Cognitive Invariants in Academic Performance The Hawaiian International Conference on Education (HICE 2023).
VanTol, J., Nikitin, M., Helzerman, N., Allison, M., and Spradling, M. OpenLabel: An Open-Source Media Labeling Web Browser Extension The 23rd International Conference on Internet Computing & IoT (ICOMP'22) published by: SPRINGER NATURE - Research Book Series
Allison, M and Spradling, M. Modeling Sub-Team Formations for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems using Colored Petri-Net Semantics. IEEE Wi-Droit 2022 Los Angeles, CA USA
Allison, M Turner, S and Kwansy, M. Assessing the Cognitive Load of Junior Software Engineers: A Mixed-Method Study. International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2021)Las Vegas, USA
Allison, M A Resilient Cooperative Localization Strategy for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in Swarms IEEE Computing and Communications Workshop and Conference The University of Nevada – Las Vegas (CCWC 2020)
Spradling, M. Allison, M. Tsogbadrakh, T, Strong, J Toward Limiting Social Botnet Effectiveness While Detection is Performed: A Probabilistic Approach. International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2019) Las Vegas, USA
Allison, M. Robinson, M An Autonomic Model- Driven Architecture to Support Adaptation in Swarm Behavior. IEEE Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2019. San Francisco CA.
Allison, M. Dawson, H and Rusin, G. Towards an AUV Swarm Based Mobile Underwater Sensor Network for Invasive Species Data Acquisition. IEEE Universal Village (UV2018). The Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).
Allison, M. Zhang C., Jones M Engineering Crisis Response Software: Lessons Learnt from a Flint Water Crisis App Platform. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) 2018
Roessler, S and Allison, M (2018) A Gender-Aware Gamified Scaffolding of Mathematics for the Middle School Level . International Conference on Big Data and Education (ICBDE 2018). Honolulu, HI
Allison, M. Spradling, M and Knock, N. (2107) Towards UAV Collaborative Search Using Probabilistic Finite State Machines. International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium - Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (ICCRTS-KSCO 2017) USC Army Research Laboratory, Playa Vista CA Nominated for best paper award
Allison, M., and Turner, S. (2017) Designing a Community Aware Virtual Learning Infrastructure for STEM. IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference. Princeton University, NJ USA*.
Idowu A, Allison M. and Joo, S.(2017) A Localized Exploration of Inhibitors to Access and Retention within Underrepresented Groups’ STEM Higher Ed: A Study in Flint, Michigan. The International Conference in Education (HICE 2017) Honolulu, HI
Farmer, M., and Allison, M. (2016)Power Demand Prediction in Smart Microgrids using Interacting Multiple Model Kalman Filters, The ACM Workshop on Communications, Computation and Control for Resilient Smart Energy Systems (at ACM e-Energy 2016) The University of Waterloo, Canada*
Allison, M., Farmer M. and Spradling M(2016) Runtime Synthesis of Behavior Optimizing Policies for Interpreted Software Models. The International Technology Management Conference (ITMC 2016) Bemidji State University, Minnesota US*
Allison, M, and Sui F. Joo, (2015) An Adaptive Delivery Strategy for Teaching Software Testing and Maintenance. IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE) The University of Cambridge, UK.*
Turner, S., Allison, M., Syed, Z., and Farmer, M. (2015) The Flipped Cyber Classroom: Integrating Best Practices in Online and In-Person Teaching and Learning. IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE 2015) El Paso Texas US*
Allison, M., Turner, S. and Allen, A. (2015) Towards Interpreting Models to Orchestrate IaaS Multi-Cloud Infrastructures. IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE). The University of Cambridge, UK.*
Allison, M., Lee S., and Kuvvarapu A.(UM-Flint Student) (2015) A Policy Based Approach to Models at Runtime within Cyber-Physical Systems: A Case Study for Microgrids
The International Conference on Software and Information Systems (ICSIS 2015). Las Vegas, Nevada. Awarded a Best Presentation in Conference*
Allison, M., He, X., Clarke, P. (2015) A Generic Model of Execution for Synthesizing Interpreted Domain-Specific Models
The International Conference on Soft Computing and Software Engineering (SCSE 2015) Elsevier. Berkley, California.*
Morris, K., Clarke, P., He, X., Costa, F.and Allison. M (2015) A Method for Validating Intent Model Behavior in DSVMs
16th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE 2015) Daytona Beach, Florida, USA*
Allison, M., and Joo, S. (2014) Revisiting Polya’s Approach to Foster Problem Solving Skill
Development in Software Engineers IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE) , University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Allison, M. and Kendrick L. (2013) Towards an Expressive Embodied Conversational Agent Utilizing Multi-Ethnicity to Augment Solution Focused Therapy AAAI FLAIRS International Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Florida USA
Allison, M., Yang, Z., Morris, K., Clarke, P. and Costa, F. (2012). Managing smart microgrid behavior by synthesizing domain-specific models. IEEE High Assurance Software Engineering Conference (HASE) Nebraska, USA
Allison, M. and Kendrick, L (2012). A Case Study in Student Perception of Hybrid Course Delivery: Will Hybrid Models be Sustainable with the Millennial Generation. Paper presented at the Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management Conference (IBAM) Nashville, TN.
Allison, M., Allen, A., Yang, Z., and Clarke, P. (2011). A Software Engineering Approach to User Driven Management and Control of Dynamic Energy Systems within the Micro- Smartgrid. International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE, 2011). Miami, USA—Received a Best Paper in Conference award.
Allison, M. (2010) A Software Engineering Approach to Micro-Scale Smart Grid Energy Management. Accepted to the Energy Utility and Environment Conference (EUEC, 2011) Arizona, USA.